The Plant Breeder’s Rights Act, 2007, The Plant Breeder’s Rights (Forms and Fees) Regulations, 2011(SI NO. 46 OF 2011) | Statutory Instrument | Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute) | Parliament of Zambia |  |
The Public Health Act, 1930 | Act | National Health Research Authority | Parliament of Zambia |  |
The Registration of Business Names Act, 2011 | Act | Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) | Parliament of Zambia |  |
The Roads and Road Traffic Act, 1971 | Act | Road Transport and Safety Agency | Parliament of Zambia |  |
The Standards Act (Laws, Vol. 23, Cap. 416) The Standards (Imports) (Quality Monitoring) Regulations, 2003 (SI NO. 41 OF 2003) | Regulation | Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency | Parliament of Zambia |  |
The Standards Act, 2017 | Act | Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency | Parliament of Zambia |  |
The Standards Act, The Standards (Compulsory Standards)(Fees) Regulations, 2012 | Statutory Instrument | Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency | Parliament of Zambia | |
The Standards Act, The Standards (Imports) (Quality Monitoring) Regulations, 2003 (SI NO 41 OF 2003) | Statutory Instrument | Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency | Parliament of Zambia |  |
The Stock Diseases Act, 1963 | Act | Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock | Parliament of Zambia |  |
The Tobacco Act, 1968 | Act | Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agribusiness & Marketing) | Parliament of Zambia |  |