View Procedure

Procedure NameAuthority to import Fresh Fruits from Asia or the Pacific Islands


Authority to import Fresh Fruits from Asia or the Pacific Islands

Responsible Agency       

The Ministry of Agriculture

Address:   Mulungushi house, Independence Ave.
                   P.O. BOX 50197, Lusaka
                    Fax: +260 250305

Phone: +260 01-253933


Legal base of the Procedure

Plant Pests and Diseases Act, 1959


 Application Fee: ZMW 52.50

Required Documents


Type of information



Process Steps

Step 1

The Trader collects all relevant supporting documents and writes an application requesting consent from the Minister to import Fresh Fruits from Asia or the Pacific Islands.

Step 2

The trader then submits the Application Letter along with the supporting documentation.

Step 3

 The application is then reviewed. If all documents are in order the Minister then gives written consent to import resh Fruits from Asia or the Pacific Islands.



The following form/s are used in this procedure
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This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Authority to import Fresh Fruits from Asia or the Pacific IslandsPermit RequirementMinistry of Agriculture (Zambia Agriculture Research Institute)In order to import Fresh Fruits from Asia or the Pacific Islands, consent from the Minister in writing is required.No Fresh Fruits from Asia or the Pacific Islands can be imported into Zambia unless consent from the Minister in writing is given.Plant Pests and Diseases Act, 1959 09-09-9999Good