View Procedure

Procedure NameExport Licence for products relating to Radioactive Materials


Export licence for Radioactive materials

Responsible Agency       

Radiation Protection Authority,

Address: Exploration House Government Road,

                 P.O.Box, 50002

                 Lusaka, Zambia

Phone: +260 211 252481


Legal base of the Procedure

Ionising Radiation Protection Act, 2011 (Amendment)Ionising Radiation Protection Act, 2005



Fee Units


Exportation of a medical diagnostic X-ray machine, per device

12 500

3 750

Exportation of computed tomography scanner per device

25 500

7 650

Exportation of fixed or portable nuclear gauges for level detection, density measurement, thickness control, moisture measurement and control and in-stream analysis of slurries, per source

10 000

3 000

Exportation of linear accelerator or radioactive devices for non-destructive testing and cargo or container inspection, per source

25 000

7 500

Exportation of industrial radiation sources, per source

10 000

3 000

Exportation of Xray fluorescence, Xray diffraction and neutron activation analysis equipment, per source

10 000

3 000

Exportation of unsealed sources used for research, teaching and nuclear medicine

2 500


Exportation of teaching or educational radiation sources other than unsealed radiation sources

2 500


Exportation of samples containing radioactive ores

40 000

12 000




Required Documents


Type of information



Application Form 1 (New applicant)

Application Form 2 (Renewal)

Notification Form

Documents necessary for the application
2 Proof of processing fee payment
3 Personnel qualification/certification
4 Structural and Design of shielding
5 Equipment and maintenance plan
6 Work procedures and instructions
7 Transport Instruction

Radiation Protection Management Plan

Process Steps

Step 1

 The applicant completes a notification form stating clearly the intention of the licence, that is; modification of licence for existing licence holder or for import/export for first-time applicants.

Step 2

The applicant proceeds to submit the completed form to the authority with supporting documents.

Step 3

The authority reviews application and applicant notified of application status. If approved, the applicant proceeds to complete the application form 1 for a new applicant and Form 2 for the renewal of the licence.

Step 4

After submission of the application form and proof of payment of the processing fee, the authority reviews the application.

Step 5 If approved, the import licence is issued by the authority.

Step 6

The applicant then proceeds to collect the licence.


The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
Application for Ionising Radiation Licence Form16-12-201929-01-2020Radiation Protection AuthorityThis is Dowload File
Application for renewal of Licence16-12-201929-01-2020Radiation Protection AuthorityThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Export Licence requirement for products relating to Radioactive MaterialsLicensing RequirementRadiation Protection AuthorityA person who intends to export or undertake any activity relating to radioactive material or any other source of harmful ionizing radiation shall do so with a valid ionizing radiation licence issued by the Radiation Protection Authority.A valid ionizing radiation licence issued by the Radiation Protection Authority is required for the importation of radioactive materials.Ionising Radiation Protection Act, 2011 (Amendment)09-09-9999Good