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Procedure NameImportation Inspection requirement of Prepackaged Goods


Importation Inspection requirement of Prepackaged Goods

Responsible Agency       

Zambia Metrology Agency

Address:  PLOT 2387, 

                  Longolongo Road,

                  P.O. BOX 30989  Lusaka


Legal base of the Procedure

The Metrology Act, 2017

For imported goods, fees shall be 0.2% of Free on Board of imported goods   

Required Documents


Type of information


Process Steps

Step 1

The Importer submits the Prepackaed Commodities for testing.

Step 2

Zambia Metrology Agency then conducts Preliminary Inspection. If the Prepackaged Commodities are complient then tey are sent inlad for full inspection where a standard operating procedure is then carried out. 

Step 3

If the Prepackaged Commodities are not complient then a decsion to repack or relabel or return to Origin is made. If the Prepackaged Commodities are repacked or relabled, then the commodities are sent inland for full inspection. If the decsion to return to origin is made a Rejection is issued.  



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This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Importation Inspection requirement of Prepackaged Goods Inspection RequirementZambia Metrology AgencyIn order for prepackaged commodities to be imported into Zambia, the imported commodities have to undergo inspection to ensure that they comply with the legal metrology requirements.All imported prepackaged commodities have to undergo inspection by the Zambia Metrology Agency before they can be allowed to enter Zambia's boarders.The Metrology Act, 201709-09-9999Good