View Procedure

Procedure NameProcedure for the Importation of Seeds


Procedure for the Importation of Seeds

Responsible Agency       

The Ministry of Agriculture

Address: Mulungushi House, independence Ave.

P.O BOX 50197, Lusaka

Phone: +260 01-253933


Legal base of the Procedure

Plant Variety and Seeds Act, 1968The Control of Goods Act, 1954


Notice to Import Seeds



75.00 per seed lot

Other Crops

75.00 per seed lot


Seed Sellers License

ZMW (Per Anum)

Wholesale and Retail







Import Permit from Agribusiness and Marketing

Application Fee: ZMW 52.50

ZMW 52.5 per Metric Tonne of the commodity being imported

Plant Import Permit from Zambia Agricultural Research Institute 

Processing Fee: ZMW 54,000


Required Documents


Type of information





Process Steps

Step 1 The importer fills out the Application form.  
Step 2 The importer then submits the Application Form accompanied by the prescribed registration fee.  
Step 3 S.C.C.I reviews the application. For the first time application S.C.C.I may inspect facilities that the applicant proposes to use in an about the business of the importation of seed.  
Step 4 If the application is approved the applicant's details are filled in a register and a certificate of registration for a seed importer is issued. If the application is not approved the importer may fill out another application form.  
Step 5  The importer then fills out another Application Form.   
Step 6 the importer submits the application form accompanied by the prescribed registration fee. 
Step 7 The application is then reviewed on the basis of the applicant's knowledge and appropriate facilities to maintain the quality and viability of the seeds to be exported for sale.
Step 8 If the application is approved a Seed Sellers License is issued. If the application is not approved the applicant is free to appeal to the Minister within one month of notice of refusal.
Step 9 The importer must be in possession of a valid Seed Seller's License.  

Step 10

The trader can either collect the application form from the agency or download the application form.


Step 11

The importer then fills out the application form and submits it with relevant supporting documents.


Step 12

 The application is then reviewed. 


Step 13

If the application is approved the notice to import seed is issued, if the application is not approved the notice to import seed is not issued.
Step 14 The importer then submits the approved Notice to Import Seed and filled in Application Form to ZARI.
Step 15 ZARI reviews the conditions from the export country indicated on the application form.
Step 16 If the conditions for the export country are available the importer proceeds to make payments. If the conditions for the export country are not available a Pest Risk Analysis is carried out and new conditions are developed the importer can proceed to make payments.
Step 17 The Plant Import Permit is then processed and the importer ends up with an approved Plant Import Permit.
Step 18 The trader must make requests for product importation status from the  Marketing Officer. If product importation is allowed, then the Marketing officer issues an application form.
Step 19 The trader must complete and submit the application form along with the supporting documentation.
Step 20 The issuing section processes the application with all the correct documentation and approves the application.
Step 21 The applicant pays the processing fee and is issued with a receipt.
Step 22 The issuing section verifies the application processing and payment then issues the Import Permit.
Step 23  A copy of the Permit and related information are filed for record-keeping.
Step 24 The applicant may proceed with the next steps to import the goods.


Flow Chart for Registration of Seed Importers

Flow Chart for obtaining a Seed Sellers License

Flow Chart for obtaining a Notice to Import Seed

Flow Chart for obtaining a Plant Import Permit (PIP)

Flow Chart for obtaining an Import Permit


Overall Flow Chart



The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
Application for an agricultural import permit12-11-201923-03-2020Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agribusiness & Marketing)This is Dowload File
Form no. 1 the control of goods act import permit12-11-201923-03-2020Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agribusiness & Marketing)This is Dowload File
application for a seed sellers license04-12-201904-12-2019Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)This is Dowload File
Seed Sellers License04-12-201904-12-2019Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)This is Dowload File
Notice to import seed04-12-201904-12-2019Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)This is Dowload File
Application for the Plant Import Permit from ZARI13-12-201923-03-2020Ministry of Agriculture (Zambia Agriculture Research Institute)This is Dowload File
Seed Import Permit13-12-201913-12-2019Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)This is Dowload File
Seed Importers License13-12-201913-12-2019Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)This is Dowload File
Application for a Seed Importer's License13-12-201913-12-2019Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)This is Dowload File
Orange International Seed Lot Certificate13-12-201913-12-2019Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)This is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Seed Sellers License requirement for Importation of Seed Licensing RequirementMinistry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)No person shall import seeds for sale without a valid seed sellers license.A seed sellers license issued by the Seed Certification and Control Institute is a requirement to import seeds for sale.Plant Variety and Seeds Act, 199509-09-9999Good
Notice to Import SeedsPermit RequirementMinistry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)No person shall import seeds for sale without an approved notice to import seeds approved by the Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Certification and Control Institute).A notice to import seeds approved by the Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Certification and Control Institute) is a requirement for the importation of seeds for sale.Plant Variety and Seeds Act, 199509-09-9999Good
Plant Import Permit requirementPermit RequirementMinistry of Agriculture (Zambia Agriculture Research Institute)No person shall import seeds for sale if the seeds do not comply with the minimum standards set out in the law.In order for seed to be imported into Zambia, the seed has to comply with the minimum standards set out in the law.Plant Variety and Seeds Act, 199509-09-9999Good
Registration requirement of Seed Importers Licensing RequirementMinistry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute)The Seed Control and Certification Institute shall have a register of all seed importers.All persons who import seed must be registered with the Seed Control and Certification Institute.Plant Variety and Seeds Act, 199509-09-9999Good