Associated Permits, Licences Etc.
Export Permits (Fishery and Livestock related)
ZMW 52.50
Export Inspections And Permits
Health certificate for Export and other purposes
Minimum cost of a health certificate per animal
ZMW 50.00
Large Ruminants (cattle, horses and similar species) per 50 animals
ZMW 250.00
Small ruminats (goats, sheep and pigs or similar species) per 50 animals
ZMW 150.00
Small animals (dogs, cats and small size species) per 5 animals
ZMW 150.00
Game animals per 10 animals
ZMW 150.00
Up to 1000 birds
ZMW 50.00
1,001 to 20,000 birds
ZMW 100.00
Above 20,001 birds up to 100,000
ZMW 150.00
Tortoise/ornamental fish per consignment not exceeding 100 animals
ZMW 150.00
Livestock products and stock feed per 30MT
ZMW 150.00
Sanitation of Animal products
Game Trophies (per animal or part thereof)
ZMW 200.00
Cattle products
Per 100 hides
ZMW 100.00
Per 100 100kg horns
ZMW 50.00
Meat inspection per carcass for export
ZMW 30.00
Export Permit
Minimum cost of an export permit (5 domestic animals or less)
ZMW 50.00
Consignment of animal products up to 20 kgs
ZMW 50.00
Large ruminants (cattle, horses, and similar animals) per consignment not exceeding a truck load of 50 animals
ZMW 100.00
Small ruminats; goats, sheep (per consignment not exceeding a truck load of 400 animals)
ZMW 100.00
Small animals: dogs, cats and similar animals (per consignment not exceeding 50 animals)
ZMW 100.00
Poultry (per consignment not exceeding 100,000 birds)
ZMW 100.00
Game/wild animal (per consignment not exceeding a truck load of 50 animals)
ZMW 100.00
Tortoise/ornamental fish (per consignment not exceeding 100 animals)
ZMW 100.00
Livestock products and stock feed (per consignment not exceeding a truck load of 34MT)
ZMW 100.00
Semen and embryos per consignmnent
ZMW 100.00
Export Related Inspection
Establishment/Plant inspections (abattoir, processing , any other)
ZMW 250.00
Quarantine/Farm (premises) inspection
ZMW 250.00