View Procedure

Procedure NameTobacco Export Permit



Responsible Agency       

The Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agribusiness & Marketing)

Address: Mulungushi house, Independence Ave
                P.O. BOX 50197, Lusaka
Fax: +260 250305

Phone: +260 01-253933


Legal base of the Procedure

The Tobacco Act, 1968


Application Fee: ZMW 52.50

ZMW 52.5 per Metric Tonne of the commodity being exported


Provided that no date of expiry is so specified, the permit shall be deemed to expire on the 31st December following the date of issue.

Required Documents


Type of information



Application Form

Documents necessary for the application
2 Proof of payment of application fee

Process Steps

Step 1

The applicant completes the application form in triplicate and pays the application fee.

Step 2

The applicant submits application forms with the relevant supporting documentation to the Receiving Officer.

Step 3

 The receiving officer forwards the application to the Permanent Secretary for review and verification. 

Step 4

The Permanent Secretary forwards the application to the Minister for review and permit endorsement if approved, otherwise, the applicant is requested to submit additional information.

Step 5

The Minister then issues the permit and the applicant proceeds to collect the permit.

                                                         Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agribusiness and Marketing)


The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
Application for an agricultural export permit14-11-201923-03-2020Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agribusiness & Marketing)This is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Export Permit requirement for TobaccoPermit RequirementMinistry of Agriculture (Department of Agribusiness & Marketing)In order to export tobacco, one must be in possession of an export permit issued by the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agribusiness and Marketing).No person shall export tobacco without a valid export permit.The Tobacco Act, 196809-09-9999Good