Application to import genetically modified organism or product of genetically modified organism | Application for importation of GMOs | National Biosafety Authority |  |
Export permit of ivory or rhinoceros horn Application Form | Export permit of ivory or rhinoceros horn Application Form | Department of National Parks and Wildlife |  |
Export permit of wild animals, meat or trophies Application Form | Export permit of wild animals, meat or trophies | Department of National Parks and Wildlife |  |
Import permit of ivory or rhinoceros horn Application Form | Import permit of ivory or rhinoceros horn | Department of National Parks and Wildlife |  |
Import permit of wild animals, meat or trophies Application Form | Import permit of wild animals, meat or trophies | Department of National Parks and Wildlife |  |
Application Form for an export, import or re-export permit for Department of National Parks and Wildlife | Application Form for an export, import or re-export permit | Department of National Parks and Wildlife |  |
Application for a Seed Sellers License | application for a seed sellers license | Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute) |  |
Seed Seller's License | Seed Sellers License | Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute) |  |
Notice to Import Seed | Notice to import seed | Ministry of Agriculture (Seed Control and Certification Institute) |  |
Energy Regulation Board Application For a Licence Form | Application for Licence- ERB | Energy Regulation Board |  |