
44 Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal

Sub Chapter
4407 Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced, peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or finger jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6mm

Sub Heading
440727 Sapelli

4407270000 Sapelli



Displaying 1-4 of 4 result(s).
Country GroupGroup DescriptionActivityTariff RateUnitValid FromValid To
CDCustoms DutyImport40%CU01-01-201731-12-9999
SADC-SASADC Duty - South AficaImport0%CU01-01-201731-12-9999
SADC-GENSADC Duty - GeneralImport0%CU01-01-201731-12-9999



Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Export Permit requirement for Timber Permit Requirement Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources (Department of Forestry) In order to export timber or any natural resource, one must be in possession of an export permit issued by the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. No person shall export timber, trees or any other natural resource without a valid export permit. The Forests Act, 2015 09-09-9999


Name Description Category View Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Timber Export Permit This procedure outlines the necessary steps that need to be taken to obtain a permit for the exportation of timber. Export View